This writer believes that much of the movies , television shows and advertising coming out of
the illuminist cesspool known as HOLLYWOOD contains hidden messages and codes. The
purpose behind it is a form of sophisticated brainwashing of the minds of the masses - clueless
as they chew the popcorn/cud- like sheeple are trained to do.
Many movies contain clues that can be discovered and the answer or meaning is usually not to
difficult to ascertain. The movie Transformers , based on toys made by HASBRO , is not an
exception to the rule. In this movie , the hero tries to sell a pair of eyeglasses on ebay. The
number of the item is 21153. SEE: .
In the movie, giant autobots or autonomous robots are searching for the eyeglasses because
their crystal lenses contain the location information for a cube that unleashes enormous energy.
The robots are TOWERING in their size. See also: or google Transformers ebay item
The Tower of Babel is 694 feet tall according to the Third Apocalypse of Baruch. This can be
also measured as 463 cubits. . See also and .
The Nephilim or in English, THE FALLEN, are linked to the Tower of Babel. and . .
The name of the second Transformers movie is TRANSFORMERS: Revenge of the Fallen. . Can this all be
again a coincidence - The Tower of Babel and Towering Autobots. Ebay item 21153 and 694
feet being the height of the Tower of Babel which is 211.53 meters? . Then the choice of the title for the second movie, Revenge
of the Fallen - i.e.; the Nephilim? To call this happenstance is to strain or break the chain of
credulity. Then why do this? Why insert these numbers and their meanings in "kids" movies?
You must decide why... but think clearly, there is little room for error and to fall is fatal.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
256 Voodoo gods created modern Computer Era
There are a series of odd coincidences that have to do with zip codes. One of them of course is
the well known Sears (now Willis) Tower being in zip code 60606. While conducting research
into the number 256 , the number used in computer programming and the number of shades of
grey recognizable by the human eye, this writer discovered another odd link.
See Background: a) Sears Tower 666 - ; b) "256 paths of Elegua and these correspond to the 256 Oduin of the Ifa
Corpus. (Interestingly the human eye can distinguish between 256 shades of grey" -scroll down to Elegua section.
1. 256 x 256 = 65536
2. 65536 happens to be the number of charts available in Geomancy. scroll down halfway - .
3. The number 256 features prominently in Computer Programming. September 13 in
Ordinary years or the 12th in a Leap year is called Computer Programmers day. Computers
are based on the binary mathematical system. This is a base 2 system in which all numbers are
zero or one. The base 2 system comes from and has long been widely applied in sub-saharan
Africa. "Partly inspired by the geomantic technique, Gottfried Leibniz , a German mathematician
developed the binary code theory, which later was the base for Boolean algebra and modern
computers." scroll down 90% .
4. Leibniz may have been a Rosicrucian : "By the end of the seventeenth century many
prominent men (among them the german philosopher Leibniz) were identified with the
Rosicrucians." Scroll down 50% .
5. See: "Cosmic Geomancy: A Rosicrucian Viewpoint .
6. The Binary system thought of by Leibniz led to the first computers and it comes from the
bongo drum beating heart of jungle-filled Africa. Then , the language of the Computer world is
associated around the number 256, which happens to be the number of gods in the Voodoo or
Ifa pantheon. Can this be coincidence?
7. Then we get to Zip Code 65536 , which happens to be for Lebanon, Missouri. This town had
a resort built around its famous supernatural Magnetic Water. There also happens to be exactly
65536 "different charts in Western geomancy" .
8. As noted in the previous wiki link, the 65536 number is used by Motorola. That company is
allegedly building the implantable 666 chip. .
9. The symbol of Motorola is Bat Wings... a symbol associated with the powers of darkness. .
10. Lebanon , Missouri and Magnetic Water at zip code 65536 = .
11. Feng Shui is a form of geomancy. In Chinese it means WIND and WATER. .
Again, the connection cannot be coincidence by any stretch of logic or mathematical reasoning.
The modern computer era is based on the Voudon religion of west Africa. It is based in fact on
magick and sorcery. The dawning Age of 666 would not be possible without this geomancy ,
binary system and 256 heathen gods. These are the deities the modern world worships. Hidden
in plain sight. Typical of Illuminati strategy. Leibniz was a member of the Illuminati. /
and -caution with this link - and he had a
lifelong interest in Alchemy - .
Read your screen and weep ... or scream.
the well known Sears (now Willis) Tower being in zip code 60606. While conducting research
into the number 256 , the number used in computer programming and the number of shades of
grey recognizable by the human eye, this writer discovered another odd link.
See Background: a) Sears Tower 666 - ; b) "256 paths of Elegua and these correspond to the 256 Oduin of the Ifa
Corpus. (Interestingly the human eye can distinguish between 256 shades of grey" -scroll down to Elegua section.
1. 256 x 256 = 65536
2. 65536 happens to be the number of charts available in Geomancy. scroll down halfway - .
3. The number 256 features prominently in Computer Programming. September 13 in
Ordinary years or the 12th in a Leap year is called Computer Programmers day. Computers
are based on the binary mathematical system. This is a base 2 system in which all numbers are
zero or one. The base 2 system comes from and has long been widely applied in sub-saharan
Africa. "Partly inspired by the geomantic technique, Gottfried Leibniz , a German mathematician
developed the binary code theory, which later was the base for Boolean algebra and modern
computers." scroll down 90% .
4. Leibniz may have been a Rosicrucian : "By the end of the seventeenth century many
prominent men (among them the german philosopher Leibniz) were identified with the
Rosicrucians." Scroll down 50% .
5. See: "Cosmic Geomancy: A Rosicrucian Viewpoint .
6. The Binary system thought of by Leibniz led to the first computers and it comes from the
bongo drum beating heart of jungle-filled Africa. Then , the language of the Computer world is
associated around the number 256, which happens to be the number of gods in the Voodoo or
Ifa pantheon. Can this be coincidence?
7. Then we get to Zip Code 65536 , which happens to be for Lebanon, Missouri. This town had
a resort built around its famous supernatural Magnetic Water. There also happens to be exactly
65536 "different charts in Western geomancy" .
8. As noted in the previous wiki link, the 65536 number is used by Motorola. That company is
allegedly building the implantable 666 chip. .
9. The symbol of Motorola is Bat Wings... a symbol associated with the powers of darkness. .
10. Lebanon , Missouri and Magnetic Water at zip code 65536 = .
11. Feng Shui is a form of geomancy. In Chinese it means WIND and WATER. .
Again, the connection cannot be coincidence by any stretch of logic or mathematical reasoning.
The modern computer era is based on the Voudon religion of west Africa. It is based in fact on
magick and sorcery. The dawning Age of 666 would not be possible without this geomancy ,
binary system and 256 heathen gods. These are the deities the modern world worships. Hidden
in plain sight. Typical of Illuminati strategy. Leibniz was a member of the Illuminati. /
and -caution with this link - and he had a
lifelong interest in Alchemy - .
Read your screen and weep ... or scream.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kaprekar 6174 and 142857 link Exodus to Pollux
A hidden code or message has been discovered that connects various unusual numbers to the
biblical Exodus of jews from Egypt to the Promised land and the star Pollux. While coincidence is
a possibility and a shield for the illuminati to hide behind, it seems remote under these facts.
There appears to be an astrological component to the biblical passage or Commandment that
forbids the worship of "false gods" and the Constellation Gemini and its brightest star -Pollux.
See the facts and decide for yourself:
1. Kaprekar Number 6174:
"It is the name of a numerical puzzle guaranteed to spark wonder and amazement..." .
2. 142857 is the smallest cyclical number and was used by the ancient Hebrews for the
calculation of Pi. .
3. If you divide 142857 by 6174 , the answer in the google calculator is = 23.138484
The first four digits are 23.13 (obviously) for the answer.
4. Pollux is the brightest star in the constellation Gemini. It is associated with the number
23.13. See: . scroll down nearly 50%.
This article discusses the alignment of fixed stars near the ecliptic and a propensity for violence
and or being a serial killer. Pollux 23.13 degrees Cancer.
5. The Biblical Passage 23:13 is associated with the biblical prohibition and sanction against
worshipping or even using the name of false gods. .
6. There are those that deny that the Exodus ever took place in fact. They note the complete
absence of archaeological evidence or records. The following article describes the life of Moses
as a Solar Myth and links the constellation Gemini to the Ten Commandments and the worship
of false gods as noted in the israelite worship of the golden calf. Scroll down to Gemin section.
Moses Sithole was the worst serial killer in South African history .
The biblical Moses has been said to be a "mass murderer" ... Moses killed 3000 Israelites that
worshipped the golden calf." .
See also: and .
It is difficult to believe that The number 23.13 links Pollux and Serial Killers to an Old
Testament passage about not mentioning the name of false gods and then on to Gemini being
linked to the passages about the golden calf and the killing of its worshippers en masse as a
coincidence , is it not? It is unfortunate that we do not have a birth astrology chart for Moses.
Would Pollux be at 23.13 degrees of the ecliptic in Cancer???
biblical Exodus of jews from Egypt to the Promised land and the star Pollux. While coincidence is
a possibility and a shield for the illuminati to hide behind, it seems remote under these facts.
There appears to be an astrological component to the biblical passage or Commandment that
forbids the worship of "false gods" and the Constellation Gemini and its brightest star -Pollux.
See the facts and decide for yourself:
1. Kaprekar Number 6174:
"It is the name of a numerical puzzle guaranteed to spark wonder and amazement..." .
2. 142857 is the smallest cyclical number and was used by the ancient Hebrews for the
calculation of Pi. .
3. If you divide 142857 by 6174 , the answer in the google calculator is = 23.138484
The first four digits are 23.13 (obviously) for the answer.
4. Pollux is the brightest star in the constellation Gemini. It is associated with the number
23.13. See: . scroll down nearly 50%.
This article discusses the alignment of fixed stars near the ecliptic and a propensity for violence
and or being a serial killer. Pollux 23.13 degrees Cancer.
5. The Biblical Passage 23:13 is associated with the biblical prohibition and sanction against
worshipping or even using the name of false gods. .
6. There are those that deny that the Exodus ever took place in fact. They note the complete
absence of archaeological evidence or records. The following article describes the life of Moses
as a Solar Myth and links the constellation Gemini to the Ten Commandments and the worship
of false gods as noted in the israelite worship of the golden calf. Scroll down to Gemin section.
Moses Sithole was the worst serial killer in South African history .
The biblical Moses has been said to be a "mass murderer" ... Moses killed 3000 Israelites that
worshipped the golden calf." .
See also: and .
It is difficult to believe that The number 23.13 links Pollux and Serial Killers to an Old
Testament passage about not mentioning the name of false gods and then on to Gemini being
linked to the passages about the golden calf and the killing of its worshippers en masse as a
coincidence , is it not? It is unfortunate that we do not have a birth astrology chart for Moses.
Would Pollux be at 23.13 degrees of the ecliptic in Cancer???
Sunday, September 20, 2009
USA is Riding the 256 Byte Barack Lightning Horse
The modern era is based on the computer. Very little gets done these days without one. The
existence of computers makes modern war possible as well as providing opportunities to connect
to the world never dreamed of before. The number 256 figures prominently in this scenario.
As the reader will see, the number 256 has other more sinister meanings and is linked to Voodoo
and hindu magickal practices. The number also coincides with a numerology for Barak Obama
that denotes Lightning. Coincidence or ancient conspiracy is left up to the reader to decide.
1. Computers and the number 256:
The concept of a 256 degree circle figures prominently in programming.
The 256th day of the year is called Computer Programmers Day. 2 to the power of 8 = 256.
"a byte can have 256 possible values" . Official Holiday in Russia - .
2. The 256th day of the Year is September 13 (September 12 on Leap Years). This then gives
a number of 9-13 or simply 913. This number has been associated with President Barack Obama
by some numerologists. "Strong's Greek word # 913 is BARAK which means lightning" The
name of Muhammed's first horse was BURAQ. .
4. The voodo priests call a person possessed by one of their Loas or deities to be a HORSE.
They believe Fidel Castro is now THE HORSE for their entities to dictate power to the island. .
Barack Hussein Obama is then the horse for lightning or the lightning horse. The only voodoo
god that lives in the sky and is responsible for lightning is their war god Chango. Barack is his
earthly vehicle or surrogate. .
or google Shango or Chango Lightning Horse. What are the odds that President Obama would
have a name that embodies both lightning and a horse, both symbolic of Shango? It is hard to
label this coincidence when he has long been openly associated with Voodoo. .
5. There are "the 256 deities of the Ifa pantheon of Voodoo or Voudon" .
6. A 256 degree circle would have 64 degree "right" angles: See "Alternative Units" .
7. There are 64 Yogini statues in a rare open air Hindu temple in India. The Yogini (female) or
Yogi (male) are emblematic of practicioners of a form of Yoga that seeks to embue its users with
supernatural powers. "built on a circular ground plan quite unlike all other temples that are
square or complex versions of it." See Photo= .
If you put it together you have: A 256 degree circle. Each degree on the circle is dedicated to
one of the Voodo's 256 loas. The 256 degree circle used in computer programming would have
64 degree right angles. There is a hindu temple that is circular - a rarity for them - and has 64
yogini or female deity statues placed around it - representing the right angles of the 256 degree
circle. The 256 day of the year is linked to Computer Programming and the number 913 which
happens to equate to Barack , which is the greek word for lightning. The greek god that fired
thunderbolts was Zeus. He lived in the heavens. Buraq is the name of Muhammed's horse. The
voodoo deity Shango or Xango or Chango rides a white horse , lives in the sky and like Zeus ,
hurls thunderbolts. This is proof that President Obama is a "horse" for pagan deities.
He is the LIGHTNING HORSE of Trojan origin , that has made its way into the White House
gates. See Lightning Horse depiction: .
Woe be unto us... unless we turn to the light of the Holy Spirit and embrace it , before it is too too
existence of computers makes modern war possible as well as providing opportunities to connect
to the world never dreamed of before. The number 256 figures prominently in this scenario.
As the reader will see, the number 256 has other more sinister meanings and is linked to Voodoo
and hindu magickal practices. The number also coincides with a numerology for Barak Obama
that denotes Lightning. Coincidence or ancient conspiracy is left up to the reader to decide.
1. Computers and the number 256:
The concept of a 256 degree circle figures prominently in programming.
The 256th day of the year is called Computer Programmers Day. 2 to the power of 8 = 256.
"a byte can have 256 possible values" . Official Holiday in Russia - .
2. The 256th day of the Year is September 13 (September 12 on Leap Years). This then gives
a number of 9-13 or simply 913. This number has been associated with President Barack Obama
by some numerologists. "Strong's Greek word # 913 is BARAK which means lightning" The
name of Muhammed's first horse was BURAQ. .
4. The voodo priests call a person possessed by one of their Loas or deities to be a HORSE.
They believe Fidel Castro is now THE HORSE for their entities to dictate power to the island. .
Barack Hussein Obama is then the horse for lightning or the lightning horse. The only voodoo
god that lives in the sky and is responsible for lightning is their war god Chango. Barack is his
earthly vehicle or surrogate. .
or google Shango or Chango Lightning Horse. What are the odds that President Obama would
have a name that embodies both lightning and a horse, both symbolic of Shango? It is hard to
label this coincidence when he has long been openly associated with Voodoo. .
5. There are "the 256 deities of the Ifa pantheon of Voodoo or Voudon" .
6. A 256 degree circle would have 64 degree "right" angles: See "Alternative Units" .
7. There are 64 Yogini statues in a rare open air Hindu temple in India. The Yogini (female) or
Yogi (male) are emblematic of practicioners of a form of Yoga that seeks to embue its users with
supernatural powers. "built on a circular ground plan quite unlike all other temples that are
square or complex versions of it." See Photo= .
If you put it together you have: A 256 degree circle. Each degree on the circle is dedicated to
one of the Voodo's 256 loas. The 256 degree circle used in computer programming would have
64 degree right angles. There is a hindu temple that is circular - a rarity for them - and has 64
yogini or female deity statues placed around it - representing the right angles of the 256 degree
circle. The 256 day of the year is linked to Computer Programming and the number 913 which
happens to equate to Barack , which is the greek word for lightning. The greek god that fired
thunderbolts was Zeus. He lived in the heavens. Buraq is the name of Muhammed's horse. The
voodoo deity Shango or Xango or Chango rides a white horse , lives in the sky and like Zeus ,
hurls thunderbolts. This is proof that President Obama is a "horse" for pagan deities.
He is the LIGHTNING HORSE of Trojan origin , that has made its way into the White House
gates. See Lightning Horse depiction: .
Woe be unto us... unless we turn to the light of the Holy Spirit and embrace it , before it is too too
Saturday, September 19, 2009
13 Circles Fruit of Life links Pi to Mayan 2012
The messages keep getting stronger. They keep getting clearer. The wheat shall be separated
from the chaff on December 21, 2012. Whatever it is that is will hit with Hurricane
force and leave only the Pure-in-Spirit standing in its wake.
1. The Number 2951 figures prominently in calculations of the Magnetic Pole Shift thought by
some to occur on 2012. This combines both egyptian and mayan numerology. It can be seen on
pages 132 and 133 of the book , The Orion Prophecy: Will The World Be Destroyed in 2012 by
Patrick Geryl . See detailed information on how to survive 2012 at .
2. Further research showed that 2951 has as factors , the unlucky 13 and 227 which can be a
metaphor of Pi. , 13 at and Pi 22/7 at .
3. This writer then thought that 13 and Pi having to do with circles , what could come up when
looking at 13 Circles. The answer is THE FRUIT OF LIFE , which forms a Star of David , also
known as a Hexagram. .
4. "The Fruit of Life , is the Holy of Holies of Sacred Geometry" .
A NEW FORM OF ENERGY COMES OUR WAY... that is true but will it be for good or evil?
That is the question over 6 Billion of us will find out....soon.....very soon. .
from the chaff on December 21, 2012. Whatever it is that is will hit with Hurricane
force and leave only the Pure-in-Spirit standing in its wake.
1. The Number 2951 figures prominently in calculations of the Magnetic Pole Shift thought by
some to occur on 2012. This combines both egyptian and mayan numerology. It can be seen on
pages 132 and 133 of the book , The Orion Prophecy: Will The World Be Destroyed in 2012 by
Patrick Geryl . See detailed information on how to survive 2012 at .
2. Further research showed that 2951 has as factors , the unlucky 13 and 227 which can be a
metaphor of Pi. , 13 at and Pi 22/7 at .
3. This writer then thought that 13 and Pi having to do with circles , what could come up when
looking at 13 Circles. The answer is THE FRUIT OF LIFE , which forms a Star of David , also
known as a Hexagram. .
4. "The Fruit of Life , is the Holy of Holies of Sacred Geometry" .
A NEW FORM OF ENERGY COMES OUR WAY... that is true but will it be for good or evil?
That is the question over 6 Billion of us will find out....soon.....very soon. .
RockStar Energy Drink links Satan to Family Values
One curiosity that recently came to this writer's attention was the link between the popular
RockStar Energy Drink and Conservative Radio Personality Michael Savage , who transmits his
show from San Francisco , California. This was odd because RockStar Energy drink is a company
started by his son and which does its bottling and such in Las Vegas - Sin City.
While at the Mall , here in the Illuminati-Occupation Zone in the Southwest USA, this writer
stepped into a Hot Topix clothing store. It has ghoulish and at times satanic and nearly always
occult-laden clothing items for todays purposely misguided "Urban Youth". While there he saw
a billboard or advertisement that displayed the upcoming MAYHEM FESTIVAL sponsored by
none other than RockStar Energy Drink. This writer decided to investigate ... this is what he
found. It should be noted that none of the forthcoming information should indicate that anything
illegal, immoral, improper is being done by either RockStar Energy Drink , Michael Savage or
anyone else mentioned in this writing. It just seemed very odd that a Conservative, family
values-oriented radio host would or could have a blood link to a company that promotes
music that is covertly or overtly or questionably Occult - Supernatural - AntiChristian and
possibly Satanic in nature. This connection needed to be brought to THE LIGHT by the HOLY
SPIRIT. You be the judge if this is just business - or something else.
1. "Dr. Michael Savage is a multimedia icon in the conservative movement..."
2. "Savage created the phrase "Compassionate Conservative" in 1994..." .
3. "America's angriest , most vicious conservative radio host..." .
4. Alleged connection to Savage Family (formerly Weiner was his last name) . *!*! This writer is NOT calling for a Boycott of the drink or anything
5. More info on the alleged connection and photos. The reader is responsible for verifying all
factual or "factual" information in any article cited in this article. Writer not responsible for nor
avowing accuracy of citations. . It
should be noted that Dr. Savage speaks out against Fascism or what he views as such on his
radio show.
6. It should be noted that Dr. Savage has no direct connection or official connection to
RockStar and that RockStar had disavowed a connection to him and donated money to LGBT
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender causes. Allegedly his son is the CEO and Dr. Savage's wife
sits or sat on the Board. This does not mean Dr. Savage is in control or that there is a hidden
connection , illegality or impropriety. They are ,however, his wife and son. The core of THE
FAMILY and the basis of so-called FAMILY VALUES. Correct???
MAYHEM FESTIVAL (allegedly promoted by RockStar Energy Drink)
7. Slayer and Marily Manson headlined the recently ended 2009 tour. Also at the top of the
pile was Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth.
a) Slayer - read lyrics of their song THE ANTICHRIST: and there is much more: / /
b) Marilyn Manson - "Hopefully, I'll be remembered as the person who brought an end to
Christianity..." scroll down 50% .
c) Cannibal Corpse - 666 information and more on this band:
d) "only a band as talented, unique, and hard-working as Behemoth can pull these diametric
sounds into an originally unholy singularity that engulfs the listener in a pure aural hell." .
See drawing -
e) Twilight vampire store clothes.
f) Harry Potter stuff -
g) Hot Topic sponsored one of the 3 stages in which the THIRTEEN bands played. The show
opened on the Hot Topic stage with "death metal band White Chapel." .
h) "WhiteChapel bring to the extreme death metal table plenty of aggression and evil." .
The Whitechapel district of London is where Jack The Ripper did his killings...
This is where your kids buy their clothes at the Mall. This is the music they hear. This is clear-as-
a-bell promotion of Family Values... Mafia "family" values. The values of evil - death -The Devil.
He is considered by some to be the "lone voice of decency and traditional family values in the
media..." and "Mr. Savage is a conservative populist, who
believes in small government, low taxes and family values." scroll down 60%§ion=02_politics&item=01_politics.htn .
It is a question... only a question... please don't shoot the messenger.
How can Michael Savage - Weiner promote Conservative , Traditional , American FAMILY
VALUES on his radio network while his family promotes the music and lyrics of the bands that
perform at the RockStar Energy drink Mayhem Concerts? If you sponsor something you are
indirectly promoting it. That is fact. That is why many major companies will drop stars or
athletes from advertising their product if they get in trouble. There is a connection between one
and the other. No sponsor = No concerts. No venue to promote the cacophony orchestras of hell.
The millions of conservative (and other) listeners of the Michael Savage Radio Program , might
be interested in an explanation. To wit, Dr. Savage has no connection to RockStar. His family
members have their own mind and right to pursue their own personal interests. No one is
accused by this writer to be doing anything improper , illegal or immoral. It merely can be said
that when this writer saw this connection - he was shocked and perplexed. There seems to be
a contradiction of terms between mutually hostile values. Beyond that nothing more is said.
RockStar Energy Drink and Conservative Radio Personality Michael Savage , who transmits his
show from San Francisco , California. This was odd because RockStar Energy drink is a company
started by his son and which does its bottling and such in Las Vegas - Sin City.
While at the Mall , here in the Illuminati-Occupation Zone in the Southwest USA, this writer
stepped into a Hot Topix clothing store. It has ghoulish and at times satanic and nearly always
occult-laden clothing items for todays purposely misguided "Urban Youth". While there he saw
a billboard or advertisement that displayed the upcoming MAYHEM FESTIVAL sponsored by
none other than RockStar Energy Drink. This writer decided to investigate ... this is what he
found. It should be noted that none of the forthcoming information should indicate that anything
illegal, immoral, improper is being done by either RockStar Energy Drink , Michael Savage or
anyone else mentioned in this writing. It just seemed very odd that a Conservative, family
values-oriented radio host would or could have a blood link to a company that promotes
music that is covertly or overtly or questionably Occult - Supernatural - AntiChristian and
possibly Satanic in nature. This connection needed to be brought to THE LIGHT by the HOLY
SPIRIT. You be the judge if this is just business - or something else.
1. "Dr. Michael Savage is a multimedia icon in the conservative movement..."
2. "Savage created the phrase "Compassionate Conservative" in 1994..." .
3. "America's angriest , most vicious conservative radio host..." .
4. Alleged connection to Savage Family (formerly Weiner was his last name) . *!*! This writer is NOT calling for a Boycott of the drink or anything
5. More info on the alleged connection and photos. The reader is responsible for verifying all
factual or "factual" information in any article cited in this article. Writer not responsible for nor
avowing accuracy of citations. . It
should be noted that Dr. Savage speaks out against Fascism or what he views as such on his
radio show.
6. It should be noted that Dr. Savage has no direct connection or official connection to
RockStar and that RockStar had disavowed a connection to him and donated money to LGBT
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender causes. Allegedly his son is the CEO and Dr. Savage's wife
sits or sat on the Board. This does not mean Dr. Savage is in control or that there is a hidden
connection , illegality or impropriety. They are ,however, his wife and son. The core of THE
FAMILY and the basis of so-called FAMILY VALUES. Correct???
MAYHEM FESTIVAL (allegedly promoted by RockStar Energy Drink)
7. Slayer and Marily Manson headlined the recently ended 2009 tour. Also at the top of the
pile was Cannibal Corpse and Behemoth.
a) Slayer - read lyrics of their song THE ANTICHRIST: and there is much more: / /
b) Marilyn Manson - "Hopefully, I'll be remembered as the person who brought an end to
Christianity..." scroll down 50% .
c) Cannibal Corpse - 666 information and more on this band:
d) "only a band as talented, unique, and hard-working as Behemoth can pull these diametric
sounds into an originally unholy singularity that engulfs the listener in a pure aural hell." .
See drawing -
e) Twilight vampire store clothes.
f) Harry Potter stuff -
g) Hot Topic sponsored one of the 3 stages in which the THIRTEEN bands played. The show
opened on the Hot Topic stage with "death metal band White Chapel." .
h) "WhiteChapel bring to the extreme death metal table plenty of aggression and evil." .
The Whitechapel district of London is where Jack The Ripper did his killings...
This is where your kids buy their clothes at the Mall. This is the music they hear. This is clear-as-
a-bell promotion of Family Values... Mafia "family" values. The values of evil - death -The Devil.
He is considered by some to be the "lone voice of decency and traditional family values in the
media..." and "Mr. Savage is a conservative populist, who
believes in small government, low taxes and family values." scroll down 60%§ion=02_politics&item=01_politics.htn .
It is a question... only a question... please don't shoot the messenger.
How can Michael Savage - Weiner promote Conservative , Traditional , American FAMILY
VALUES on his radio network while his family promotes the music and lyrics of the bands that
perform at the RockStar Energy drink Mayhem Concerts? If you sponsor something you are
indirectly promoting it. That is fact. That is why many major companies will drop stars or
athletes from advertising their product if they get in trouble. There is a connection between one
and the other. No sponsor = No concerts. No venue to promote the cacophony orchestras of hell.
The millions of conservative (and other) listeners of the Michael Savage Radio Program , might
be interested in an explanation. To wit, Dr. Savage has no connection to RockStar. His family
members have their own mind and right to pursue their own personal interests. No one is
accused by this writer to be doing anything improper , illegal or immoral. It merely can be said
that when this writer saw this connection - he was shocked and perplexed. There seems to be
a contradiction of terms between mutually hostile values. Beyond that nothing more is said.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Clubbed Thumb exposes Megan Fox as Reptilian
The latest movie sensation out of the Illuminati spin doctor brainwashing machine known as
Hollywood is Jennifer's Body. It stars the sexy starlet Megan Fox. This young lady would appear
to be a living dream, a perfect physical specimen , to be adored by men for her beauty.
But.... there is more to this story.
1. Megan Fox and Jennifer's Body: See Megan's body - tattoos and all...
2. Movies: Jennifer's Body at
3. Megan Fox has an imperfection known as Clubbed Thumbs - .
4. A shapeshifter always leaves behind a clue, usually an imperfection that indicates he or she
is not really what he appears to be. "In many old English folktales, the devil could take any form,
but couldn't disguise his clubfoot/cloven hoof" .
5. Megan Fox portrays a blood sucking vampire-like demon in the movie. In real as opposed to
film reel , life. Reptilians feed on our blood. The concept of THE FOX and shapeshifting is well
known. / / and .
The Illuminati hide in plain sight. A shapeshifting bloodsucker portrays a shapeshifting
bloodsucker ... talk about realistic portrayals or life imitates art...They laugh at us while we pay
to watch that which is visible but unseen. They control much more than a "body" , they control
your mind.
Hollywood is Jennifer's Body. It stars the sexy starlet Megan Fox. This young lady would appear
to be a living dream, a perfect physical specimen , to be adored by men for her beauty.
But.... there is more to this story.
1. Megan Fox and Jennifer's Body: See Megan's body - tattoos and all...
2. Movies: Jennifer's Body at
3. Megan Fox has an imperfection known as Clubbed Thumbs - .
4. A shapeshifter always leaves behind a clue, usually an imperfection that indicates he or she
is not really what he appears to be. "In many old English folktales, the devil could take any form,
but couldn't disguise his clubfoot/cloven hoof" .
5. Megan Fox portrays a blood sucking vampire-like demon in the movie. In real as opposed to
film reel , life. Reptilians feed on our blood. The concept of THE FOX and shapeshifting is well
known. / / and .
The Illuminati hide in plain sight. A shapeshifting bloodsucker portrays a shapeshifting
bloodsucker ... talk about realistic portrayals or life imitates art...They laugh at us while we pay
to watch that which is visible but unseen. They control much more than a "body" , they control
your mind.
Illuminati 503 links Hells Gate to Mayan 2012 Skulls
Verizon is a telecommunications company linked to the NWO - New World Order. Scroll down
50% - "In THE SHADOW FACTORY, he sheds light in the secret rooms of Verizon and AT&T,
and shows the NSA to be a very poor custodian of the nation's security." .
See more on alleged vast illegal wiretapping program:
Oddly enough, Verizon is the company most trusted with your privacy. See article number 8 in
immediately previous link.
1. In the movie Angels & Demons , Tom Hanks states that the Illuminati use the number 503.
In the movie Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford is seen getting ONBOARD Train
number 503. .
2. 503 x 4 = 2012 , the year the Mayans believe the world will end or the present age will end
which may mean the same thing. If you multiply 503 times 5 you get 2515. If you double that
you get 5030 which is a play on 503. In other words, 503 is code for 2012. The number that is
of importance to the Illuminati is 2012.
3. Verizon has a New York Office at a 5030 address.
4. The Nineveh Constant is linked to Illuminati Phenomena. A number associated with it is
2268. Verizon has a New York office at a 2268 address. . Nineveh Constant .
5. There is a "503 day variable" in the Mayan end time date of December 12, 2012. .
6. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is 503 meters long. It was modeled after the HELL'S GATE
Bridge in NYC. It has the tallest arch of any structure in the world. The arch is an important
symbol of the Freemasons , a minor league team of the Illuminati. .
The concept of Hell's Gate and a train is to be found in Indiana. This is odd since INDIANA
Jones boards the Illuminati 503 numbered train in The movie The Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull. . The Crystal skull in the real-life Paris and London Museums
were carved from Brazilian Crystal. scroll down to near bottom. . The Hell's Gate ghost portal
described in the ighost link is near Brazil, Indiana. .
In Brazil, the illuminati made Swine flu killed 503 people. .
The 2012 phenomena is of vast importance to the Illuminati. Is it real or a hoax created by them
like the bogus swine flu? The answer is unknown but to the is irrelevant if they were
killed by a real epidemic or a manufactured it not?
50% - "In THE SHADOW FACTORY, he sheds light in the secret rooms of Verizon and AT&T,
and shows the NSA to be a very poor custodian of the nation's security." .
See more on alleged vast illegal wiretapping program:
Oddly enough, Verizon is the company most trusted with your privacy. See article number 8 in
immediately previous link.
1. In the movie Angels & Demons , Tom Hanks states that the Illuminati use the number 503.
In the movie Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford is seen getting ONBOARD Train
number 503. .
2. 503 x 4 = 2012 , the year the Mayans believe the world will end or the present age will end
which may mean the same thing. If you multiply 503 times 5 you get 2515. If you double that
you get 5030 which is a play on 503. In other words, 503 is code for 2012. The number that is
of importance to the Illuminati is 2012.
3. Verizon has a New York Office at a 5030 address.
4. The Nineveh Constant is linked to Illuminati Phenomena. A number associated with it is
2268. Verizon has a New York office at a 2268 address. . Nineveh Constant .
5. There is a "503 day variable" in the Mayan end time date of December 12, 2012. .
6. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is 503 meters long. It was modeled after the HELL'S GATE
Bridge in NYC. It has the tallest arch of any structure in the world. The arch is an important
symbol of the Freemasons , a minor league team of the Illuminati. .
The concept of Hell's Gate and a train is to be found in Indiana. This is odd since INDIANA
Jones boards the Illuminati 503 numbered train in The movie The Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull. . The Crystal skull in the real-life Paris and London Museums
were carved from Brazilian Crystal. scroll down to near bottom. . The Hell's Gate ghost portal
described in the ighost link is near Brazil, Indiana. .
In Brazil, the illuminati made Swine flu killed 503 people. .
The 2012 phenomena is of vast importance to the Illuminati. Is it real or a hoax created by them
like the bogus swine flu? The answer is unknown but to the is irrelevant if they were
killed by a real epidemic or a manufactured it not?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Nineveh Constant found in Masonic Manitoba Bison
This brief article merely highlights a minor discovery in the masonic Manitoba Legislature
building. Much has been written about the obvious , if not overpowering, masonic influence in
the design and architecture of this Provincial government building. This article discusses a
hidden clue that until now has remained hidden in plain sight.
1. Architecture as a form of masonic initiation.
2. You can tour The Hermetic Code there.
3. or google Manitoba Masonic legislature for more.
4. The Nineveh Constant is a number / ratio / numerical alignment - code or sequence found
in the ruins of the city of Nineveh , modern day Iraq. The number 2268 figures prominently in
this issue. See: / / This number has previously come up in the
leaning Tower of Pisa. and
the birthplace of the nazi movement. .
5. See color photos of Bison in the
masonic temple disguised as the Manitoba Legislature Building.
The Weight of each one is 2,268 kilograms. In another context, this could be coincidence. In this
building filled with masonic codes, the likelihood of the weight being an accident is close to zero.
CONCLUSION: If you add 2268 + 2268 =4536. The number 4536 figures prominently in
determining the square footage of the GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA. and see book formula in: The Great Pyramid of Giza: measuring length , area, volume, and angles by Janey Levy.
A new discovery. The two Bison represent the area of the Great Pyramid. 756 x 756...The top
line of the answer is 4536. In other words, the top of the Pyramid of the equation. To reach the
top of the stairwell , one must pass the two astral guardians of the threshold represented by
the two bison. The Nineveh Constant multiplied by Two leads to The Area size of the Great
Pyramid when the two sides of 756 feet are multiplied as well. Each side of the Great Pyramid
is a metaphor for The Nineveh Constant. If you multiply 2268 x 2268 , you get an answer that
begins with 5143. The 51.43 degree angle has been linked to the New Jerusalem and is the
360 degree Babylon-based circle divide by 7. . More on 51.43 and Crystal Growth at 51.43 degrees and scroll down 50% for more 51.43 degrees at .
The intelligence it takes to devise this system is not human. Anyone who believes apes evolved
into humans who then secretly devised this logic and architecture for no known reason...are
mad. The truth is that these designs come from something Superhuman. Good or Evil ....that is
the question the reader must ask - and answer.
building. Much has been written about the obvious , if not overpowering, masonic influence in
the design and architecture of this Provincial government building. This article discusses a
hidden clue that until now has remained hidden in plain sight.
1. Architecture as a form of masonic initiation.
2. You can tour The Hermetic Code there.
3. or google Manitoba Masonic legislature for more.
4. The Nineveh Constant is a number / ratio / numerical alignment - code or sequence found
in the ruins of the city of Nineveh , modern day Iraq. The number 2268 figures prominently in
this issue. See: / / This number has previously come up in the
leaning Tower of Pisa. and
the birthplace of the nazi movement. .
5. See color photos of Bison in the
masonic temple disguised as the Manitoba Legislature Building.
The Weight of each one is 2,268 kilograms. In another context, this could be coincidence. In this
building filled with masonic codes, the likelihood of the weight being an accident is close to zero.
CONCLUSION: If you add 2268 + 2268 =4536. The number 4536 figures prominently in
determining the square footage of the GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA. and see book formula in: The Great Pyramid of Giza: measuring length , area, volume, and angles by Janey Levy.
A new discovery. The two Bison represent the area of the Great Pyramid. 756 x 756...The top
line of the answer is 4536. In other words, the top of the Pyramid of the equation. To reach the
top of the stairwell , one must pass the two astral guardians of the threshold represented by
the two bison. The Nineveh Constant multiplied by Two leads to The Area size of the Great
Pyramid when the two sides of 756 feet are multiplied as well. Each side of the Great Pyramid
is a metaphor for The Nineveh Constant. If you multiply 2268 x 2268 , you get an answer that
begins with 5143. The 51.43 degree angle has been linked to the New Jerusalem and is the
360 degree Babylon-based circle divide by 7. . More on 51.43 and Crystal Growth at 51.43 degrees and scroll down 50% for more 51.43 degrees at .
The intelligence it takes to devise this system is not human. Anyone who believes apes evolved
into humans who then secretly devised this logic and architecture for no known reason...are
mad. The truth is that these designs come from something Superhuman. Good or Evil ....that is
the question the reader must ask - and answer.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Indiana Jones Harrison Ford rides Illuminati Train
Many of today's top stars in the movies , television and music are linked to the occult and to
the supernatural. Let us just look at a few... very few ... examples. Tom Cruise - / The Beatles / The Rolling
Stones and KISS .
Madonna / Britney Spears / Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton - .
The latter three even signed together to play The Witches of Eastwick: .
This article focuses on occult links that tie Harrison Ford aka Indiana Jones to the Illuminati
via Tom Hanks and the movie Angels & Demons. In the movie Angels & Demons the character
played by Tom Hanks, speaks of the number 503 being mysteriously linked to the Illuminati. and there is also a
link to so-called Devil's Night. .
1. There was speculation that the charcter Dr. Harford, played by Tom Cruise in the movie,
Eyes Wide Shut , directed by Stanley Kubrick was in fact a metaphor for the real life Harrison
Ford. In this movie , Dr. Harford stumbles across a satanic ritual orgy. Scroll down to TRIVIA .
2. Indiana Jones movies , starring Harrison Ford , have been partially filmed at a UK masonic
school. Both Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade. .
3. Stars that have played besides Harrison Ford on the Indiana Jones movies have met odd
and tragic events. River Phoenix , who played a young Indiana Jones , died of a drug overdose
in The Viper Room on Halloween.
4. Shia Lebouef , who starred in the more recent Crystal Skull installment had a terrrible
car accident that crushed his LEFT HAND.,20216629,00.html .
5. It is interesting that a movie about Crystal Skull should be filmed in part at Yale University,
the home of the most infamous secret society on earth - The Skull and Bones Society. .
6. You must see the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to verify the
following information. At close range and for an extended period of time, one can see Harrison
Ford , stepping on a train in this movie. The number of the train is 503.
one of them. What are the odds that this movie comes out in 2008 and has "Dr. Harford"
stepping on train 503 and then along comes Tom Hanks in Angels & Demons saying that the
number 503 is sacred to the illuminati being coincidence?
The real Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was the Mayan Empire. .
The Mayan Calendar has become all the rage since it holds that "The End of the World" is
about to arrive in 2012. .
503 X 4 = 2012
the supernatural. Let us just look at a few... very few ... examples. Tom Cruise - / The Beatles / The Rolling
Stones and KISS .
Madonna / Britney Spears / Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton - .
The latter three even signed together to play The Witches of Eastwick: .
This article focuses on occult links that tie Harrison Ford aka Indiana Jones to the Illuminati
via Tom Hanks and the movie Angels & Demons. In the movie Angels & Demons the character
played by Tom Hanks, speaks of the number 503 being mysteriously linked to the Illuminati. and there is also a
link to so-called Devil's Night. .
1. There was speculation that the charcter Dr. Harford, played by Tom Cruise in the movie,
Eyes Wide Shut , directed by Stanley Kubrick was in fact a metaphor for the real life Harrison
Ford. In this movie , Dr. Harford stumbles across a satanic ritual orgy. Scroll down to TRIVIA .
2. Indiana Jones movies , starring Harrison Ford , have been partially filmed at a UK masonic
school. Both Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade. .
3. Stars that have played besides Harrison Ford on the Indiana Jones movies have met odd
and tragic events. River Phoenix , who played a young Indiana Jones , died of a drug overdose
in The Viper Room on Halloween.
4. Shia Lebouef , who starred in the more recent Crystal Skull installment had a terrrible
car accident that crushed his LEFT HAND.,20216629,00.html .
5. It is interesting that a movie about Crystal Skull should be filmed in part at Yale University,
the home of the most infamous secret society on earth - The Skull and Bones Society. .
6. You must see the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull to verify the
following information. At close range and for an extended period of time, one can see Harrison
Ford , stepping on a train in this movie. The number of the train is 503.
one of them. What are the odds that this movie comes out in 2008 and has "Dr. Harford"
stepping on train 503 and then along comes Tom Hanks in Angels & Demons saying that the
number 503 is sacred to the illuminati being coincidence?
The real Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was the Mayan Empire. .
The Mayan Calendar has become all the rage since it holds that "The End of the World" is
about to arrive in 2012. .
503 X 4 = 2012
Teen Occult Novels hidden 666 Numerology exposed
Many modern stories , book and movies that are geared to youth seem to have an occult part
or element to them. Often this is the entirety of the theme. The idea that the Supernatural or
occult world is "cool" is pervasive throughout modern media and movies. This writer found a
blog that (seemingly) unwittingly brought this to his attention and led to this article.
PREMISE: The numbers associated with the supernatural books linked to the occult geared
towards today's urban / modern youth is not an "accident" or coincidental in nature.
THE BLOG: "So how do you determine what length is appropriate for your book? ...Book pages
x lines on a full page x 9 = number of words... To simplify this further - a standard mass market
paperback has around 36 lines of text per page making your formula: Number of pages x 36 x9 " .
1. Twilight (Book 1) number of pages = 544 and number of words = 176256 words.
The premise of Twilight is well known now. A teenaged female falls in love with a "good" male
vampire. This of course presents the idea that a vampire - can be good. Much like saying that
the devil can be "good". Having sex with a vampire or kissing and so forth can be fun too. .
The number 544 is associated with 666:
Fritz Springmeier gave us this information encoded in the number of pages in his book exposing
the Illuminati: Scroll down 70% .
The number 176256 expressed as a fraction is 176/256. This equals 11/16 or 22/32 - see: .
1116 feet per second , happens to be The Speed of Sound and the Height where one of the planes
hit one of the Twin Towers on 9/11. The worst train / school bus wreck has this number as well. / Speed of Sound / Twin Towers "Are we really to believe near free-fall acceleration
through 1,116 feet of structural steel is possible?" Scroll to near bottom - .
The first three numbers 176 are linked to the longest psalm in the Bible and the Torah. .
The last three 256, are linked to the number of voodoo gods believed to exist in that faith. . Scroll down halfway.
The word number combines The Speed of Sound, The Torah and Bible , Disasters that are man
made like 9/11 and the Bus-Train wreck and Voodoo deities. The page number links to 666.
Still not convinced? Try 22/32 or 2232 . The number of steps in The illuminati fortress known
as The Sears Tower is 2232. It is in zip code 60606 and The address 223 is implicit in the 22/32
and also linked to 666. See:
and . Is that also coincidence?
2. Harry Potter (Book 7) is 784 pages long according to the blog that started this article -
Further in the article a little bit , it is noted that another occult teen book named Totally
Fabulous by Michelle Radford happens to "coincidentally" be 82944 words long. The numbers
784 and 82944 (accompanied only by the number 1) happen to be linked to The God Particle. .
The God Particle has been linked to Pi : .
The book Totally Fabulous by Michelle Radford is AGAIN about a young person that discovers
how to use magical or occult powers. . Mind Control and off to "ESP boot camp" and all...
The Cover design for the Harry Potter book CHAMBER OF SECRETS was designed by , you
guessed it - Michelle Radford. More Coincidence ? .
GUESS WHAT ? The book Totally Fabulous happens to be 256 pages long. .
GUESS WHAT? The publisher for Totally Fabulous happens to be Harper Collins -
GUESS WHAT? HarperCollins is the publisher of the Satanic Bible:
As noted in the previous link there are connections to the US military and Fox News network.
FOX News is really a metaphor for 666 News :
The number 256 will be the topic of an upcoming article. It all comes full circle. 256 , by the
way is linked to Pi. The evil brainwashing is ongoing. It is enough to keep you awake at night
wondering what the kids are reading... only don't need to wonder. "Ancient Egyptians
wrote Pi as 256/81..." .
or element to them. Often this is the entirety of the theme. The idea that the Supernatural or
occult world is "cool" is pervasive throughout modern media and movies. This writer found a
blog that (seemingly) unwittingly brought this to his attention and led to this article.
PREMISE: The numbers associated with the supernatural books linked to the occult geared
towards today's urban / modern youth is not an "accident" or coincidental in nature.
THE BLOG: "So how do you determine what length is appropriate for your book? ...Book pages
x lines on a full page x 9 = number of words... To simplify this further - a standard mass market
paperback has around 36 lines of text per page making your formula: Number of pages x 36 x9 " .
1. Twilight (Book 1) number of pages = 544 and number of words = 176256 words.
The premise of Twilight is well known now. A teenaged female falls in love with a "good" male
vampire. This of course presents the idea that a vampire - can be good. Much like saying that
the devil can be "good". Having sex with a vampire or kissing and so forth can be fun too. .
The number 544 is associated with 666:
Fritz Springmeier gave us this information encoded in the number of pages in his book exposing
the Illuminati: Scroll down 70% .
The number 176256 expressed as a fraction is 176/256. This equals 11/16 or 22/32 - see: .
1116 feet per second , happens to be The Speed of Sound and the Height where one of the planes
hit one of the Twin Towers on 9/11. The worst train / school bus wreck has this number as well. / Speed of Sound / Twin Towers "Are we really to believe near free-fall acceleration
through 1,116 feet of structural steel is possible?" Scroll to near bottom - .
The first three numbers 176 are linked to the longest psalm in the Bible and the Torah. .
The last three 256, are linked to the number of voodoo gods believed to exist in that faith. . Scroll down halfway.
The word number combines The Speed of Sound, The Torah and Bible , Disasters that are man
made like 9/11 and the Bus-Train wreck and Voodoo deities. The page number links to 666.
Still not convinced? Try 22/32 or 2232 . The number of steps in The illuminati fortress known
as The Sears Tower is 2232. It is in zip code 60606 and The address 223 is implicit in the 22/32
and also linked to 666. See:
and . Is that also coincidence?
2. Harry Potter (Book 7) is 784 pages long according to the blog that started this article -
Further in the article a little bit , it is noted that another occult teen book named Totally
Fabulous by Michelle Radford happens to "coincidentally" be 82944 words long. The numbers
784 and 82944 (accompanied only by the number 1) happen to be linked to The God Particle. .
The God Particle has been linked to Pi : .
The book Totally Fabulous by Michelle Radford is AGAIN about a young person that discovers
how to use magical or occult powers. . Mind Control and off to "ESP boot camp" and all...
The Cover design for the Harry Potter book CHAMBER OF SECRETS was designed by , you
guessed it - Michelle Radford. More Coincidence ? .
GUESS WHAT ? The book Totally Fabulous happens to be 256 pages long. .
GUESS WHAT? The publisher for Totally Fabulous happens to be Harper Collins -
GUESS WHAT? HarperCollins is the publisher of the Satanic Bible:
As noted in the previous link there are connections to the US military and Fox News network.
FOX News is really a metaphor for 666 News :
The number 256 will be the topic of an upcoming article. It all comes full circle. 256 , by the
way is linked to Pi. The evil brainwashing is ongoing. It is enough to keep you awake at night
wondering what the kids are reading... only don't need to wonder. "Ancient Egyptians
wrote Pi as 256/81..." .
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